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- =====================================================================
- Please Note:
- =====================================================================
- This is the manual on disk that was released with PC-Gammon IV,
- PC-Gammon V has a printed bound manual. This disk based manual has
- not been updated to reflect changes to PC-Gammon V. It does contain
- all pertinent information required to play PC-Gammon and to use
- most of the features. Modem Play and Play Style are not documented
- here. You can probably figure them out without a manual. When you
- register PC-Gammon you will receive the printed manual, etc.
- PC-Gammon(tm) V
- Release V1.10
- 9/19/92
- ===================
- Game Documentation
- ===================
- Copyright (c) 1992
- Sentient Software
- All Rights Reserved
- Sentient Software
- RFD #1, Box 3720
- Sheldon, VT 05483
- (802) 933-5143 (Voice)
- (802) 933-2417 (Data - Black Creek BBS
- 1200/2400/9600HST
- 24hrs/7days)
- Hardware Requirements:
- IBM-PC XT/AT (or compatible)
- 640K of memory
- EGA/VGA or Hercules Graphics Adapter
- Installation:
- You can either play PC-Gammon from the floppy disk or
- copy the contents of the disk to your hard disk.
- PC-Gammon requires no special installation. Simply copy or
- unzip the files to your hard disk.
- PC-Gammon is completely unprotected. It is suggested
- that you make a back-up copy of the original.
- Running PC-Gammon:
- Hard disk users can either change directories to the PCGAMMON
- directory or place the PC-Gammon directory in their path and type
- the following;
- Floppy users would place the PC-Gammon disk in their A:
- drive and enter the following commands:
- A:
- Additionally PC-Gammon can be invoked with optional
- command line parameters, the syntax is:
- PCGAMMON p1 p2
- The parameters are shown in the table on the following page.
- Command Line Parameters:
- Parameter Meaning
- ========= ==================================
- E Force EGA Color Mode
- M Force EGA Monochrome Mode
- H Force Hercules Monochrome Mode
- Kfilename Load Keyboard Redefinition File
- Video Display Adapter
- PC-Gammon will automatically determine the type of video
- adapter you have in your computer (EGA or Herc) and set the
- graphics mode accordingly. There are circumstances in which
- the default video mode is incorrect or undesirable, the most
- notable of these are:
- 1) Some video adapters support both EGA/Herc modes, and
- when connected to a monochrome TTL monitor, they will
- erroneously report an EGA color monitor is attached.
- Use the 'H' command line parameter to force the program
- to use the Hercules Graphics Mode.
- 2) Some users with either Laptops or VGA Paper White monitors,
- only really have two colors. In this instance use the 'M'
- parameter to force the game into a 640x350 two color mode.
- 3) Some EGA/VGA cards will not be detected correctly, use the
- 'E' parameter to force the video mode into 640x350 16 color
- mode.
- Keyboard Redefinition
- The 'Kfilename' parameter allows you to load the game with a
- different set of keys to invoke the various menu items and
- other commands for keyboard users. The distribution disk
- contains a file named "PCGAMMON.KBD", this example file
- shows all of the allowable keys that can be redefined.
- The format for a keyboard file is:
- Cmd#,Char
- Where: Cmd# is the command number from 1-21
- Char is the character that will be used
- Any characters following "Char" will be ignored. Example:
- PCGAMMON Kmykeys.kbd
- Introduction:
- PC-Gammon IV has an easy to use menu system.
- At the bottom right portion of the screen you will see the
- menu area. To select a menu item, you may either type the first
- character of the menu item (i.e. "F" for Forfeit), or click the
- mouse cursor on the desired menu item.
- Options:
- Selecting the Options entry from the main menu will display
- the options menu consisting of the following (a detailed
- description of the options is at the end of this file) :
- Load : Load a previously saved game from disk.
- Save : Save the game currently being played.
- Score History : Select player/View score history
- Print Screen : Provides a graphics or text dump of
- the screen to an IBM PC Graphics
- printer/HP Laserjet or compatible.
- (See command line parameters for
- printer selection).
- Defaults : Allows you to change options in PC-Gammon.
- Tournament : Enable or Disable the computer rolls.
- Game Log : Writes a log of all moves to the disk.
- Edit Game : Displays the game edit menu (see below).
- Main Menu Commands:
- Redraw:
- If for any reason the board display should become corrupted
- the Redraw command will redraw the board for you.
- Double:
- The Double command is used to double the stakes of the game.
- Initially neither player owns the doubling cube, and it's value
- is set to 1, it appears in the middle of the board. Either
- player may offer to double when the doubling cube is unowned.
- As soon as one player offers to double the player who
- accepts the double gets possession of the cube and then only that
- player may double (the cube changes color to the color of the
- player). If either player refuses the double, that player
- forfeits the game.
- Style:
- This option lets you select the playing style PC-Gammon will use.
- Styles are: "Conservative", "Aggressive", and "I'm Playing For Bood".
- You can change playing style at any time, even in the middle of a
- game. PC-Gammon will remember the last playing style selected the
- next time it is run.
- Backup:
- Allows you to backup to the beginning of your move. For instance
- if you rolled a 6,1 and you played the six, and then decided you
- could have made a better move, use the B command to back-up to
- the beginning of your roll. The program also asks you if you are
- sure at the end of each move. If you respond negatively, your
- move will be backed up.
- Forfeit:
- If you clearly see you are losing and you don't want to hear
- the snide remarks the computer makes when it wins, type the "F"
- key and the computer will at its option, either accept your
- forfeit, or refuse the forfeit (if it thinks it can get a gammon,
- etc). If the computer accepts your forfeit it will be scored
- as a loss for you.
- Help:
- Selecting help will display the help file on your screen
- during play.
- Quit:
- When dinner's ready or you simply can't tolerate any more
- backgammon, type the Q key and the game will return you to DOS.
- Rolling the Dice:
- The space bar is used to roll the dice. When it's your turn to
- move, hit the space bar to roll the dice. You can't roll the
- dice more than once per move. The dice are rolled at the
- beginning of each game to see who goes first (yours is the
- left die). The player that wins that roll must use the roll
- as shown. Additionally if the first roll is a double, the
- doubling cube is incremented to 2 (provided auto doubles are
- enabled), and you roll again to see who goes first.
- Mouse Users may roll the dice by clicking the left mouse button
- anywhere on the playing board or in the dice area when it is
- their turn to roll the dice.
- Moving/Playing:
- Please note: The "BAR" is slot 0.
- Keyboard Users:
- To move a man type an "M". A form will appear near the bottom
- of the screen. Enter the location you wish to move from and
- the value of the dice you wish to use separated by a comma,
- (e.g entering a "12,5", would move your man from the 12 slot
- 5 spaces). The bar is designated as slot 0. Press enter to
- complete the move or the ESC key to cancel a move.
- Mouse Users:
- To move a man simply click the mouse cursor on the man you
- wish to move, a dot will appear in the center of the man to
- indicate it has been selected. Then click the mouse cursor
- on the appropriate slot you wish to move to. To deselect a
- man (i.e. you changed you mind and don't wish to move
- the man you selected), simply click the mouse cursor on the
- selected man a second time (The dot will disappear).
- Alternately, after you have selected the man you wish to move
- you may click on the dice you wish to use for the move and
- the man selected will be moved the appropriate number of spaces.
- If you attempt an illegal move the computer will notify you with
- an appropriate message.
- DoubleMove: You may move a man more than one dice at a time,
- for instance if you rolled a 5 and an 3, you could move one man
- eight spaces by selecting the destination slot as 8 from the
- original slot. However either the 5 or the 3 move must be a
- legal move for that man.
- AutoMove : If you have only one dice left the computer will
- automatically move the man you click, you do not have to select
- a destination slot. Automove will also automatically bear off
- a man if there is only one valide move to make . You can turn
- AutoMove off in the "Default Settings" screen.
- See defaults below.
- Bearing Off:
- Keyboard Users:
- Bearing off men is the same as moving them, simply select
- the man you wish to bear off followed by the dice value you
- wish to use to move the man.
- Mouse Users:
- There are two ways you can bear off using the mouse. In both
- ways select the man you wish to bear off by clicking the mouse
- cursor on that man, then you may either click the mouse cursor
- on the die you wish to use to bear the man off with, or you may
- click the mouse cursor in the "OFF" area.
- The Options Menu:
- Load Game:
- Selecting the Load Game option will bring up a directory of
- previously saved games. Use the arrow keys to select the game
- you wish to load and press enter, or mouse users can click
- on the file name they wish to load to highlight it and then
- click again to enter it.
- Save:
- Allows you to save a game in progress. Simply enter an eight
- character name you wish to save the game under. File names must
- conform to normal DOS file naming conventions and must not contain
- a file extension. Examples:
- Legal Names : MYGAME
- GAME001
- Illegal Names: MY.GAM (Has File Extension)
- MY?GAME (Illegal "?")
- TOOLONGNAME (Name Too Long)
- SAVE GAME (Name Has a Space)
- Score History:
- PC-Gammon will maintain a score history for as many players
- as you wish. If there are no players in the score history file,
- the program will prompt you to enter your name. Enter your
- name (up to 15 characters) and press enter when done, press
- the ESC key to disable score keeping.
- When one or more players is already in the history file then
- the names of the players will appear on the screen with an
- optional scroll bar. (depending on how many players are in the
- history file). Use the arrow keys to highlight your name and
- press enter or mouse users can click the mouse cursor on their
- name to highlight it and then click a second time to select it.
- To enter the name of a new user press "N" or click the mouse
- cursor on the "NEW" button, then enter the name as described above.
- Press "C" or click the mouse cursor on the Cancel button to
- disable the score history.
- Player selection may be done at any time, and the games score is
- not actually updated until the end of the game.
- The score history display consists of five pairs of numbers, each
- pair shows the number of wins for "You vs. Computer" as follows:
- Tourn : Number of tournaments won
- Games : Number of games won (not counting doubles, etc).
- Wins : Points won for straight wins.
- Gams : Points won for Gammons.
- Bkgs : Points won for Backgammons.
- The final number in brackets ('[]') is points per game
- won average, a negative number indicates you are ahead
- in points per game, and a positive number indicates the
- computer is ahead in points per game.
- All score history numbers are cumulative.
- Print Screen:
- Select this option item to get an ascii or graphics print of the
- screen to your printer. If you have a HP-Laser Jet, be sure you
- set the printer type to HPLJ in the defaults section before
- trying to get a graphics print of the screen. See default settings
- below.
- Defaults:
- Selecting this option will bring up the default settings
- selection screen, see "Default Settings" below.
- Tournament:
- Selecting the "Tournament" button will let you play a tournament
- against the computer. A tournament is played for a specified
- number of points (not games). Enter the number of points
- for the tournament desired. The Score box will show the
- total tournament points and points earned by each player
- until the end of the tournament.
- Game Log:
- This feature will keep a log on the disk for each game played.
- The log will include the players name, the date and time of the
- start of the game, and each move made by both players.
- (Available in registered version only!)
- Edit Game:
- Selecting this option will bring up the game edit menu.
- The "Default Settings"
- Mouse Users: Click the mouse cursor on the appropriate button to
- toggle or change a default value shown.
- Keyboard Users: Press the letter above a button to toggle or
- change the default value shown.
- Auto Roll:
- Selecting this menu item will turn computer dice rolls on and off.
- When on (the startup default), the computer will generate all
- dice rolls. When turned off, you will be prompted to enter the
- dice rolls for both yourself and the computer. This mode is
- made available for those who prefer to roll real dice.
- Auto Dble:
- This menu item allows you to select whether or not the doubling
- cube will automatically be doubled on the opening roll,
- if the opening roll is doubles.
- Auto Move:
- This menu item will turn "Auto Moves" on or off. See
- "Moving/Playing" above for more information on Auto Moves.
- Sound:
- This menu item will turn the sound on or off (i.e. dice
- rolling, etc.).
- Printer:
- This menu item defines the printer type connected to your computer.
- PC-Gammon supports either the IBM-PC Graphics Printer (or
- compatible), or the HP Laserjet series (or compatible).
- Motion & Delay T (Animation Control):
- PC-Gammon animates the motion of the men (i.e. it slides them
- across the screen) when they are moved. These two parameters
- control the speed and distance at which they are moved. The
- default values are Delay Time = 25 and Motion Increment = 50,
- if you find the men move to slow or fast, you may increment
- or decrement these values to suit your needs.
- The "Edit Menu"
- When the game edit mode is first entered, the status of the player,
- dice and cube will be displayed in the message area (e.g. "Dice Rolled,
- Player = White, Cube=4, held by Black").
- Keyboard users:
- The following commands may be selected from the Edit menu:
- "S" : Save Game - Allows you to save the game as you
- have edited it. (see save game instructions in
- options menu).
- "M" : place Men - Allows you to place men on the board, the
- program will redraw the board, and place all the men in the
- bear-off trays, it will then prompt you to enter the number
- of men on each slot. To place White men on a slot enter a
- positive number (e.g. 2), to place black men on a slot
- enter a negative number (e.g. -3).
- "P" : Player - Allows you to define whose turn it is, the program
- will prompt you to enter a player, enter 'W' for white,
- or 'B' for black.
- "I" : Init Board - Places all the men in the bear off trays.
- This command is only of use to users with a mouse.
- "C" : Cube - Allows you to set the value for the cube. The program
- will ask you to enter a value for the cube (i.e. 1,2,4,8,
- 16,32,64,128,256, or 512), if a valid value greater
- than 1 is entered the program will ask you to identify
- the player who owns the cube (enter a 'W' for white, or
- 'B' for black);
- "D" : Dice - Allows you to enter the values for the dice,
- enter a positive value for an unused dice, and a
- negative value for a used die, if entering doubles you
- must enter 4 dice values.
- "R" : Rolled - Turns on or off the "dice rolled" flag.
- "F" : Finished - signals you're done editing and wish to play the
- game as you just set it up.
- Mouse Users:
- Men : To move a man simply click the mouse cursor on the man
- and then drop it where you want it to be.
- Dice : Click the left mouse button on a die to increase it's
- value, click the right mouse button on a die to indicate
- it has been used or unused.
- Cube : Click the left mouse button on the doubling cube to
- increment it's value. Click the right mouse button on
- the cube to change the owner (white/black).
- Player: Click the right mouse button on any man to indicate
- that color is the current player.
- Other: Mouse users may click on any edit menu button
- to invoke that feature as described above.